Organizing Crime: Where Osborn Failed

from War Machine #9 by Greg Pak, Allan Jefferson, Nelson Pereira and Jay David Ramos
from War Machine #9 by Greg Pak, Allan Jefferson, Nelson Pereira and Jay David Ramos

The Dulles Brothers lead the fight against communism. They lead the presidents to the targets at Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA and his brother John Foster Dulles was the Secretary of State. Two men had the power, connections and belief that shaped the world during the Cold War leading us into Vietnam and the Middle East and without them, the entire world would be vastly different.

Norman Osborn had the power, he had the connections and the beliefs but what ultimately lead to his downfall through the events of Dark Reign and Siege are what made him a fascinating figure.

Osborn became the director of HAMMER after using his Thunderbolts (and information he stole from Deadpool) to stop the Skrull Invasion. He was able to completely oust the former administration, he was able to turn those would would oppose him into pariahs and outlaws and with his public support he could have ruled indefinitely except for one thing – his partners – The Cabal and The Dark Avengers.

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Radio Hope and the Reader Episode 8: Craddlebutter

Radio Hope and The Reader is a weekly podcast set up like the journal of a superhero, The Reader, John Black, stuck on a satellite in space as he copes with his own loneliness as well as trying to solve the problems of the planet Earth.

Written and Narrated by Luke Herr

This week! Craddlebutter

Hope Satellite illustrated by James Lloyd.


Click here to listen to episode 8 (it’s about 18 minutes)

or here to download the seventh episode.

Notes and commentary after the jump. Read More

Princeless For All and More With Jeremy Whitley


Nerdcenaries: Hey Jeremy Whitley. I’m a big fan of Princeless but I wish there were a way I could get friends into the comic. Is there some way you could help out?
Jeremy: Absolutely! Right now we are getting ready to rerelease the original first issue of Princeless to comic stores. Better yet, we’re going to do it for $1. So, as long as your comic shop orders it, they can get a chance to try Princeless for only $1 and if they don’t have a comic shop, it’s exactly the same price on Comixology!
Nerdcenaries: Very nice!

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Wolverine and the King City: Looking At Comic Congruity

I’ve been downing comics at horrifyingly high rates thanks to Marvel Unlimited (which probably means I’ll never do part 2 of my Exiles “review”. During the experience I’ve been getting opinions and thoughts and wishing I had more money to support all of the good books that came out or that are still coming out. But one thing I’ve been coming up against while in my binges is when pages stop readers in a bad way. When the elements of the page don’t come together it is problematic so I am gonna talk Wolverine and the X-men and King City at you.

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HeroesCon 2013: Naps And Drinking

It can be rough out there trying to break into the comic industry. It is all about knowing people, doing good work and in the long run spending lots of money. That last part is the tough one because of the economics of the system. Paying for convention tables, paying to print work, paying for hotels, paying for travel, paying for food and even paying for other people’s work because you need to stay up to date on comics – it can suck.

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Marvel Announces New AR Moments In Classic Comics

In a PR message released today, Marvel announced that they would be adding in AR moments in new printings of classic collections starting with new hardcover versions of Secret Wars, Nextwave, Spider-man and Captain America.

“Honestly I think the AR boxes are really great for bringing people into the comics,” said Joe Quesada. “It gives the reader something to do and it stands out on the page enough so you can’t ignore it. And we got a brilliant team together to come up with all sorts of content for the new books.”

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ERAS Fung – Building A New Story Via Kickstarter

I am doing another Minicomic Kickstarter with artist Brian Wolf and then former Nerdcenaries contributor Ziah Grace and Nick Rockel are doing a comic as well. I wanted to make a post about it to go more into what the story I am writing, ERAS: Fung is going to be about.

The first ERAS story, ERAS Parrish is something I’ll totally regard as a failure on my part. I didn’t get a second opinion till it was done and that opinion hated it. Parrish ended up focusing too much on a dramatic story with issues of masculinity and white knighting that suddenly changed into a horror story with monsters in it in the last 2 pages. Not very good on my part – the balance was off like a seesaw with a boulder on one side.

With ERAS Fung I realized I needed an actual story to wrap the issues around, instead of issues to base a story on. I needed to lay the bricks before pouring the paint. Luckily the story came more easily since the artist wanted to do the drug/murder mystery based on Dr. Fung and my loose pitch of that.

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