Knuckleheads 1-3 Review


We here at Nerdcenaries are big supporters of the magic that is Monkeybrain Comics, though it has been a wile since we did a big round up and there are a lot of titles I am behind on.

But with that said I got the opportunity to check out Brian Winkeler and Robert Wilson IV’s Knuckleheads and it is a solid comic. Part of it has its roots in the slobbish super hero genre (like Hancock or 50% of non-Big 2 superhero titles) and while it feels a little long in the tooth at times with a somewhat simple story split across three digital issues, it is full of a lot of potential and I look forward to seeing where the series is going, especially since they finished telling the story they all knew.

Trevor K Travinski, wielder of the Crystal Light, is a slacker using his powers that came from an alien source to continue slacking but when a giant monster threatens his livelihood (using the term loosely) he charges forth into battle to save the day along with his roommate Lance, the pizza guy and a woman caught by the monster while coming into conflict with his negative personality traits.

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Writer Brian Winkeler fills the script with realistic pop culture references that seem more believable than most used and while the main characters get some solid definition, the world feels a bit too empty and underutilized. There is a definite absence of other people despite being set in a city which ends up feeling more like a setpiece as opposed to an actual location. Everything that gets destroyed is either unnotable or tied to a character and part of me would have preferred to see how people react to giant monsters. Are most civilians non-plussed, is this normal? There are questions here that take me out a bit too far from the story at times. That said though, Thomas Mauer does an excellent job lettering.

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Meanwhile Robert Wilson IV’s work is excellent getting a solid balance between heroic and realistic characters (and his gift for realism is also visible in his comic with Ken Lowery, Like A Virus). The scenes are well set up and beyond a few stiffer poses. the art looks incredibly fluid, especially when accompanied with colors by Jordan Boyd who does a great job creating a tones within the comic and balancing out the genre inspirations.

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Overall there is a lot of potential for greatness within the team and the comic and since they’ve finished telling the origin story (that they’d originally done a few years back), I’m excited to see where this comic goes. The first three issues are available through Comixology and Monkeybrain for $0.99 an issue – so we’re talking about less than $2.99 for some 30+ pages of comics plus art and notes and that is a solid deal. Get into Knuckleheads before it starts to take off and have some fun.

Luke Herr

Luke is a writer and an aspiring professional comic writer who is also the editor in chief of Nerdcenaries. He currently is working on a graphic novel called Prison Spaceship.