I’ll say it right here – I am not a wrestling guy but I love this series. Super Pro K.O. vol 2 is the sequel to the highly enjoyable wrestling comic that picks up after Joe Somiano, the rookie wrestler, finished his first big wrestling match. With time passing and without any new screen time Joe takes it upon himself to get his name out. Meanwhile the complex wrestling politics lead to wrestler getting attacked and even more mysteries.
Part of the reason I don’t like wrestling is that when I see it, it goes too slow, it’s fake and I just don’t see it as exciting. Where SPKO Vol 2 succeeds is that the action is nonstop, it’s chaotic – battles fly across the pages and while the action scenes read so well there is an immense amount of fun things happening in the comic and in the background (such as the Oni Press staff showing up or the numerous Scott Pilgrim matches).
Creator and illustrator Jarret Williams shows immense tact in the story with something that could not work as a monthly title and what he is able to do with the book tops so many of the mangas I’ve read as far as action goes. I mean I was pulled in, heart pounding and I enjoyed myself.
The one shaky bit though is that the series had a very sequel-y feeling to it. There isn’t much that is resolved or at least, I did not find a satisfying conclusion like I did at the end of volume one. With that said though, the book did a fantastic job of making me look forward to the 3rd volume and it was a hoot to read through it.
Arbitrary Rating – A-