While priorly secret production of a new Swamp Thing film was taking place, Alan Moore was discovered to star as the elusive Swamp Thing in the new pulp mockumentary film.
“Sure it looks like he is just a hairy dude in clothes but we can CG him after,” said the still anonymous director. “I mean we’ve got enough action scenes – he set himself fire and ran into the water, he fights some demons he summoned to worship him and he even piloted a boat while shooting a mounted gun. He is living with Swamp Thing swagger.”
Moore has seemingly been unaware of the film due to his current vacation in the Florida Everglades.
It is currently unknown what other actors will be staring in the adaptation of the film but due to the talk of Moore summoning demons he might actually play Swamp Thing and mystic enemy Anton Arcane.
More as it develops.
Tag: swamp thing
Vertigo Zombies: Swamp Thing
Lost in the annals of time due to a rather large dispute with creators at the time was the event known as Vertigo Zombies. DC, who was gaining ground with it’s more artistic but less public friendly books, premiered Vertigo Zombies as a way to get the average comic reader to read Vertigo books pairing the Vertigo book characters with a fight against the undead hordes. Ultimately the normal artists and writers rebelled, for the most part, so Vertigo went out of house to create the books. The normal series creators ended up threatening to sue the company so the issues were never published but they were finished.
Join us this week though as we look at the covers and discuss what never was with Vertigo Zombies.
As the Swamp Thing tries to bone (wood?) Abigail Arcane the undead attack a small town 20 miles away. Since Swamp Thing and abigail and her friends and family are attending a small picnic in the swamp, brought there by Swamp Thing, none of the people are concerned or even away of the undead assault. The comic rotates between images of the pleasant picnic along with scenes of vicious feasting on the dead representing the disconnect of news that happened in the 90’s. By the time the picnic ends, the zombie crisis has been solved and none of the characters are aware of any changes.