Wander: Olive Hopkins and the Ninth Kingdom is my jam. It was briefly discussed in the Nerdcenaries MonkeyBrain Roundtable how we don’t need to be handheld in comics and how a good comic should feel free to toss us into the pool. Wander: Olive Hopkins and the Ninth Kingdom does a great job introducing us to the water. Find out more after the jump.
Tag: kevin church
Kevin Church Discovered To Be Behind 40% Of Webcomics
Kevin Church the writer of such webcomics as The Rack, The Loneliest Astronauts and She Died In Terrebone was also discovered to ghostwrite over 100,000 series, most of them updating on the same day meaning that Church commonly writes over 14,000 comics every day. Researchers are still attempting to list all of them.
Church was unable to comment due to his house arrest for being voted Mr.Grumpypants for the past 4 years.