Local college student Dylan Thomas realized in English today that he knows way too much about the British television series Doctor Who despite not being a fan.
“I was just sitting in English and the teacher commented that opening up a history books is like trip in the TARNIS with the Doctor. I corrected him that it was the TARDIS and then I died a little on the inside.” Thomas, a self confessed nerd who doesn’t actually care for the show ended up only making the situation worse.
“As soon as that class got out a few other people asked what my favorite episode of the series was and if I liked the originalseries more and who my favorite Doctor was. I just lied and said ‘Captain Archer,’ and then ran off.”
Thomas confessed that his knowledge mostly comes from his roommate John who “sits around all day watching the series and complaining about it with his friends.”
“I come home after night class and there he is watching some episode with horrible costumes since the start of the class. I once commented an episode looked interesting and then next thing I knew I’d fallen asleep 4 hours in and I was late for class. It’s not healthy.”
Thomas’ grades have been steadily dropping the quarter. “I just can’t focus on homework. That show – he just plays it incredibly loud. I don’t even know how he gets work done.”
Thomas has filed to move rooms and has even invited the RAs to examine the scenario but can’t find anything wrong.
“It’s like he has some perception filter so other people don’t get annoyed by him. I just don’t who what to do.”