Rumors have started circulating that the price KABOOM is paying for Adventure Time covers is around $200. While this may seem like a reasonable amount considering that is a more or less standard page rate for artists – it is honestly very low for covers, especially for a company that not only is doing multiple printings of the comics (Adventure Time #1 and #2 did extra printings) but is also additionally reprinting covers and getting full rights to the work.
Tag: Adventure Time
Graceland- 11/28/12
This week’s Graceland is late because there was a weekend sale at the LCS, and since I’m broke what with the holiday spirit, I had to pick my books up on Saturday. But whatever, you’re not paying to read this, and I’m not paid to write this. Read on chumps!
Graceland- 10/24/12
Woah, ho! A Graceland? On a Friday? That’s right! Let’s try this out, here’s my opinions 3 days early.
Graceland Comic Reviews – 09/26/12
I’m a day late, and a temper short, but here are some comic reviews.