Almost a week after DC announced the controversial choice of hiring famed bigot Orson Scott Card to write the digital first series “The Adventures of Superman”, Marvel comics has responded with their own horribly controversial creator. In a press release sent out today, Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church has been announced as the writer for a new series called “The Adventures of Spider-man.”
The press release:
Don’t miss the debut of this fresh, digital-first series starring Spider-man, written and illustrated by some of comics’ finest talents!
Travel back in time to Spider-mans origins as Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church and writer of several pamphlets including God Hates Fags, God Hates Jews, God Hates The Pope and God “Loves” Hipsters.
The new series promises to see Spider-man fighting against new and old enemies including Doctor Octopus, the anti-Christ’s servant Barack Obama, the Gayroller, The Famous Fag Pimp and Kraven the Hunter. Phelp’s run which will start out as digital only issues will run for 6 episodes before being passed onto non-horrible and really surprisingly not the first choice writer Kelly Sue Deconnick and Rem Broo followed up by Paul Tobin with Colleen Coover.
So far an artist has not been announced on Phelp’s Spider-man run, possibly because there are no people interested in illustrating such a hateful comic.
While controversy has already started to fly Marvel has addressed the controversy stating “Guys, no matter what happens we will come up on top. I mean honestly for the like – 8? of you who will actually stop reading titles you’ll be back in 5 months or less. For the rest of you, you won’t stop reading books, you are stuck hook line and sinker. And besides, Phelps and the controversy will bring enough new readers to make up for this all. We sell more books, you give us free press and if we do decide to step back for the sake of ‘decency’ you thank us and treat us like heroes until the next time we do this. Honestly the only way you would win is if you convinced everybody that you knew – and we are talking about the potential comics market of 100,000 to not not buy the comic at all but come on, you guys don’t care about being heroes. For you this is just part of your addiction. Keep on buying because otherwise… how about Thor dies for real to increase the sales?”