Since we are still a new magazine with a mostly brand new crew we feel it is our responsibility to introduce ourselves to you, the new readers, so that we can be boiled down to archetypal characters and then placed into your FF7 fanfictions because you can only read about Cloud and Sephiroth banging for so many times.
Nerdcenaries: So Luke, what is it that you do?
Luke Herr: Well. Shit. I am interviewing myself right now.
N: Yes but what do you do when you aren’t doing that?
LH: Ah. Well I am a recent web design graduate from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh currently looking for work and I decided to start a comic news and humor website.
N: And was there any impetus behind that decision?
LH: Not really, I had a few ideas I was kicking around for various blog posts. I decided I needed to start a site to host them and then I wanted to kick it up a notch.
N: But from what I know about your plans, this is going to be more than a one man operation, isn’t it?
LH: Yeah. The other thing that I wanted to do is sort of make a new launching point where friends and people who need a chance to do something new can be like “I worked and was published at this site that wasn’t just mine.” Also I didn’t want to write something every day and I figured more writers means more groups of friends which means wider exposure.
N: So basically you hooked in a bunch of people to try anf get famous while doing less work?
LH:Yes. I am surprised how candid I am being about this.
N: So why do you think people should read what you write?
LH:Well, I like to think I am fun. If I’m not though I can try and find people who are. I like to connect people for that purpose.
N: Interesting. So do you have any writing experience?
LH:Oh yeah, previously I was a competitive creative writer in The Power of the Pen back in junior high. In high school I started the Nerding Review Blog and I’ve been doing a series of comics and other writing bits since then.
N: Is there anything else you are doing now as a writer?
LH:I am currently writing Changeling, a sort-of mystery webcomic as well as a bunch of articles here on Nerdcenaries. I also am planning on writing the scripts for the rest of my webcomic Socialfist that was cancelled due to financial issues. Sociafist is about communist superheroes taking over America.
N: As a closing question, who is your favorite superhero?
LH:I really like Moon Knight. He’s like Batman but crazy and magical. I was disappointed by that last series that came out about him. Moon Knight is a totally fun idea but I found that most people tend to make him violent. I want to see the Moon Knight that Adam West would have played in the 60’s – campy Moon Knight. Moonmobile, Moonarang, Moonshoes…. Actually Moonknight in Moonshoes would be amazing.
N: Well is there anything else you want to plug right now?
LH:Not that I can really think of right now. I mean I’ll link it all right on this site.
N: Thanks for your time.
LH:No problem.